160-I Deboner
equipment manufacturing features:all the equipment adopts high-quality stainless steel, durable, simple structure, safe and easy to operate, easy to clean, easy accessibility, no supplies. Key parts are made from exported material.
Material can be separate:
chicken duck, goose, rabbit,fish, (Suchas chicken skeleton, full frame, half, whole chicken, chick neck, chicken drum, chicken bone cartilage meat forketc.)primary separation finished at once time. save manpower.
Second, the device operating characteristics:a separate one machine saves manpower, lowspeed separation is not easy to heat up.
Production rate of up to (according to the specific parameters of the raw material production rate may be) between 65% -90%
Third, isolated mess characteristics:
1. good color can add a lot;
2. no bone residue and good taste;
3.the structure of the meat tissue damage is small, with flaky, filamentous, block improve product quality;
4. from the separation to the use the meat has been in subzero temperatures, bacteria hard to breed , hard to oxidized, maintain the flavor of little influence
Fourth, the high-end model features:
1. reducer Germany SEW (Tianjin) R97 type;
2.all made of stainless steel (including the frame), the main components are in line with food-grade standards;
3.wearing parts using special processing and hardening treatment, greatly improving the life;
4. all-stainless steel production line-feed conveyor and out-feed conveyor, feed conveyor with inverter variable speed;
5. the use of electrical cabinets for centralized control of the production line. QFL-25 and above models requires the use of feed conveyors.